Tips About Zoom Meeting You Need to Know

Tips About Zoom Meeting You Need to Know

We are living in some strange times, and in these strange times, we have to spend most of our time at home locked. Zoom is our new best friend. Zoom is making everything happen in this world, right from talking to relatives, friends to work from home. So, in this blog, we will talk about the various tricks and tips you need to know, which can easily make your boring meeting a little less boring and a little more fun. Now let’s dive into the fun.

You can use a background of your own choice:

We all know that we throw stuff here and there in our house, and we certainly don’t want people to see that. So, if you don’t want that, you can certainly use a virtual background. You can easily select an image or video as a background with just a few clicks. If you have a green screen as your background, it works like in movies, but if you don’t have one, it still works fine. Here is a step-by-step guide by which you can easily set a background in your Zoom meeting.

  • Firstly, open your zoom app on your PC
  • Then after that click on the gear icon under your profile image
  • Click on the filter and background option
  • Then select the Virtual Background option
  • Lastly, select the image or video you want to add.

Make Yourself Look Pretty

There is also a trend in these Pandemic times that we just wake up and sit for a meeting, not caring about how we look. But if you want to look good for an important meeting, there is a touch-up my appearance option available. It is not very flashy, so the changes or filters applied will not make any major changes. Also, some filters will make you look like a doll, but we think that’s not good for business.

Here is how it can be done with ease. Just follow the steps given below:

  • Firstly, open your zoom app on your PC
  • Then after that click on the gear icon under your profile image
  • After that, select the video option
  • Lastly, check out the box next to touch up my appearance.

You can Mute Someone’s Mic.

If you are in a meeting of 20 people, there will always be this person whose children are saving the world in the background or just crying because it’s fun. But what that person doesn’t know that 20 other people are also listening in on the drama. So, don’t worry, we have an option where you can easily mute them and carry on with the meeting. Just follow the steps given below, and it will be done:

  • First, join the meeting
  • Then, click on the Manage participants button in the taskbar
  • Then just take your mouse cursor over the participant’s name
  • Click on the mute button, and it’s done

You can easily change your Name.

So, are you stuck with a random name that Zoom has given to you without even asking you? Don’t worry. We are here. We will help you change your name to something you want for those less casual meetings. Also, you can have something more professional if you want. Just follow the steps, and it will be done:

  • Firstly, enter a meeting
  • Then click on the participant’s button
  • Then just take your mouse cursor over the participant’s name
  • After that, hit rename
  • Then type the new name
  • Then just select the new name


Here are some of the tips and tricks that you should know while using Zoom meeting. We know it’s been a tough year, and zoom can get overwhelming sometimes. Here are some things to make it fun.

Brenda Comer arrived on the cyber security scene in the early 2000s when virus and malware were still new and slowly evolving. Her longtime affair with writing with an interest in the cybersecurity industry, combined with her IT degree, has contributed to experience several aspects of security suite industry such as blogging at
