Checkout These Unheard Google I/O 2021 Announcements

Checkout These Unheard Google I/O 2021 Announcements

We know that the Android 12 and the new Material you design system stole much of the show at Google I/ 2021. Everyone wants the new Android 12 on their phone right now.

Now with the year, major announcements like Google and Samsung decided to team up and combine smartwatch platforms in the new massive update of Google Wear. And with these major announcements like Material design and Android wear, it’s no wonder some things slipped through the cracks because no matter how you couldn’t possibly watch everything.

So, with all the news and announcements, if you haven’t been able to dive through every piece of media coverage. We are here to talk about the smaller announcements of Google I/O that you might have missed in the sparkling sky of Android 12.

Phone Hub for Chromebooks is getting Photo sharing – but there’s a catch.

Chromebook is getting an update which may be tiny, but it can be important for people who use it for work. In this, you will be able to see and drag your pictures in the Phone hub menu into documents or web services. This is the same process that you can do with the most recent on-device images in the Tote section. But still, not a lot of images can be shared, the maximum being four most recent ones.

Google Assistant widgets, Shortcuts, and chips in Android 12

Google assistant has been for long a simple AI voice search, but now it’s blown into a full-grown eco-system of its own, with its developer tools. This year we have seen plenty of updates already, but nothing as groundbreaking except that the Assistant is getting in on the widget action alongside Material You.

Third-Party app stores are getting auto-updates abilities.

If you are a third-party app user and download apps from FDroid, Epic Games Store, and Amazon’s app, there is good news for you all. Google has decided to shave down the number of warnings it shows while you install any third-party apps and also setting hoops you have to jump through when installing apps and app stores outside Google Play, and if the third-party app has an update, it has to be installed manually.

Now there are new parameters added to the package installer to make third party installation and update easily as long as they meet the following four conditions:

  • RequireUserAction is set on false: It means that the app doesn’t need user action to be updated.
  • The new app to be installed target is API29 (Android 10) or higher.
  • The app was originally installed by the installing app in question.
  • The third-party app has to declare the UPDATE_PACKAGES_WITHOUT_USER_ACTION permission.

Eco-friendly and brake-friendly routes in Maps

Google Maps has some API upgrades that are going to make your navigation of your favorite city very easy. It’s a great time as a lot of us are preparing to start traveling again, but there are two navigation modes available now, which are for the drivers that we are exceedingly excited about.

Now the new Brake-friendly routing will enable you to drive in ways where you are less likely to need hard braking. The new braking to reduce the strain on your car and its cargo also they have added some more safety-minded routines that don’t take you down some winding backstreets to save you 5 or 6 minutes. They are eco-friendly in the way that they use terrain data to try and determine the method that will use the least gas.

I am Luke Spencer and I am an editor working at a startup company recently established in New York. I used to work at Norton from 2012 to 2017, and frankly, I learned a lot during my time there. Nowadays, I make my living as an editor and I also write for a few websites. If you like reading about informative topics, then you can visit this website:
