Different Ways to Upcycle An Old Desktop Or A Laptop

Different Ways to Upcycle An Old Desktop Or A Laptop

Desktop Or A Laptop

Are you looking for ideal ways to repurpose your old desktop or laptop? You are in the right place. This article teaches you the best ways to employ an old PC on a new task. On the other hand, if you think of throwing your outdated computer device into the garbage, it is the worst idea and not environmentally friendly. When you throw your devices in the trash, remember that they contain harmful chemicals and metals that can harm the environment. Many also think of destroying a PC when it gets slower over time, but it is not a good idea. 

There are many ways to recycle computers safely. We should also make aware the people around us to try to recycle or repurpose things instead of throwing them out in the garbage because it is our responsibility to save the earth from unwanted and dangerous materials. Try these ways to upcycle your old PCs. 

Turn your old PC into a home theater media center 

Acomputer that has become obsolete can be easily turned into a media player. Many such computers can be used as a streaming device for movies and TV shows. You get several benefits when you use your old computer as a media center. You can take the help of a wide range of streaming services. You only need to connect your PC with your TV using an HDMI port. Also, plugin a keyboard and mouse, and you are all set. If you want more from your old PC, download a digital media player such as Plex that will transform your old PC into a home media server. 

Host a game server

You can also use your old PC to host a game server. Many modern games provide free online play. However, it is not easy to host your own game server. But exceptions are always there. You might have listened about Terraria and Starbound that utilize a dedicated server. So, you can host a Minecraft server. You can find the list of games that use dedicated servers on the Valve Developer Community. 

Use as a cloud gaming PC

Your old PC may not be able to work with modern games, but cloud gaming provides moreoptionsfor old computers. It’s OK that you can’t play games, but you can stream games on your old PCs. Try some popular cloud gaming services like Google Stadia, Nvidia GeForce Now, etc. You can stream games on any PC that supports 1080p streaming. 

Use it as a retro game console

Repurposing an old PC as a retro game console is an excellent idea. Doing this is straightforward and doesn’t affect the computer’s hardware if not having a dedicated graphics card. The thing you need to get on your old PC is an emulator. An emulator helps in replicating the hardware of a console. There are many emulators you can try, but it is good to go with RetroArch. 

Make a file server

Here is another excellent way to use your old PC as a file server. Making a file server best suits aging PCs. There are several ways to create a file server. You can try the free FTP Server program for Windows. It is an ideal option for many people. It is simple and easy to use, allowing file access on a local network or over the internet. You don’t need to pay for this if you go for personal use. 

Turn the old PC into a workshop or garden PC 

Turn your old PC into a workshop or garden PC. An outdated computer can be advantageous for your garden, or workshop. It can help you manage project materials and many online resources. You can also entertain yourself using music apps like Spotify. 

Some other ways to recycle your old PC

  • Consider it for video conferencing
  • Use as a monitoring screen for a security camera
  • Donate to the needy one
  • Contribute to science

Source: https://softwaresetupactivate.blogspot.com/2021/09/different-ways-to-upcycle-old-desktop.html