Important Tips to Grow a YouTube Channel Fast

Important Tips to Grow a YouTube Channel Fast

Many people dream of being successful YouTuber, but some fail to do so as they don’t put the growth tips into action. If you have just started your journey on YouTube and don’t know much about YouTube, the article may prove helpful to you. We have described several important tips that will help your YouTube channel grow at a fast pace. You can earn both views and money on YouTube if you follow the tips. These tips will improve the ranking of your YouTube channel in the least possible time. Below are some useful tips on how to grow a new YouTube channel quickly.

Enter Channel Keywords

When your YouTube channel does not appear in the search results, it means that your channel is not well-optimized. You need to give serious thought to optimization. Unless you optimize your YouTube channel, you won’t reach more audiences. Enter all the terms related to your content and channel name in the “Channel Keywords” option. To enter the terms, you first need to access Chrome browser on, open YouTube Studio, go to the “Advanced ” option. Here you will see the “Channel Keywords.” You can enter all possible words that describe your content and channel. In this way, people will easily find your videos and find your channel on top. That’s how you can improve the visibility of your YouTube channel.

Write in About Me Section

Every YouTube channel has an “About Me” section where a YouTube creator describes what his/her content is about. It is quite interesting to know that you can take advantage of this section to rank your YouTube channel in higher search results. Describe your channel and its contents in the section. While you describe your content and channel, make sure to write your channel and content type as many times as possible. A number of YouTube creators are taking advantage of this excellent trick to improve the visibility of their channels. You, too, can take advantage of this excellent trick.

Use Hashtags in Community Posts

Community post is a YouTube feature that lets you post your photo on your YouTube channel. A YouTube creator gets it when they surpass a thousand subscribers. If you are looking for a way to enhance the visibility of your YouTube channel, use hashtags in the community posts. A number of popular YouTubers do it to grow their YouTube channel. Moreover, you can post a video URL in the community tab in order to divert traffic from the community tab to your YouTube video. Doing so will boost your channel quickly.

Create Playlists Using Popular Keywords

Popular YouTube channels have their playlists. Playlists make it possible for a viewer to watch all videos on the same topic in a single playlist. Avoid using unnecessary terms and words while you are creating a playlist. Before you create a playlist, you need to research the keywords that have high volume. Once you find the right keywords for your videos, create a playlist and add the desired videos to it. To create a playlist on YouTube, you need to go to Chrome browser, log in to YouTube Studio, click on the “Channel,” and then select the “Create playlists” option. That’s how you can create a playlist.

Use Eye Button and End Screen to Promote Your New Videos

Unless you do not have smart ideas, you can’t get a good number of views on YouTube. Use the eye button to promote your new videos. You can place a new video on the eye button to make your viewers aware of your new video. Encourage them to watch your new videos. Another important thing you can do to promote your videos is placing your videos on the end screen. In this way, you can easily garner more views and boost traffic on your YouTube channel.

Post Eye-Catching Thumbnail

The more attractive your YouTube video thumbnail appears, the more and more people will click on your video to watch it. The more CTR your video gets, the better your video will perform. If you want to gain more views and boost your video, pay special attention to creating a YouTube video thumbnail. To make a good thumbnail, you can use a good photo-editing application such as PicsArt, PixelLab, Canva, etc. To remove the photo background, you can use a good background remover app. The better you design thumbnails, the more CTR (Click-through-rate) your video will receive.

Share on Social Media Platforms

Sharing a YouTube video on social media platforms such as Facebook, Instagram and WhatsApp is a good way to increase views. Such a traffic source is called “External.” You can share your video with others on these platforms and get more and more views. Keep in mind that growing external traffic sources do not make a video viral. If you want your video to go viral, you need to pay attention to boost the internal traffic. When the traffic comes from YouTube itself, such traffic is called “Internal.” Ask your viewers to search for your video by visiting YouTube. This will increase internal traffic and boost your video views.
